Monday, September 16, 2013

Sweet weekend

Weekends are a rare commodity for me to have off, in my work, so, when I do get one, I look forward to them.  This one was no exception.  It was sweet...  It started with some bad news Friday evening; my boss and his wife (the owners) called with some bad news, her father had passed away suddenly, so they flew out Saturday.   Thoughts and prayers of the entire staff went with them.  

So, I had to slip to work on Saturday morning for paperwork and the bank deposit, but managed not to clog up the day.  Paul drove me, which helped me 'escape'.  I was home before noon, and took off for the beach with Annette, Chris, the boys and Kate.  

We went to Howard Park in Tarpon Springs, where I hadn't been in years!  And, it hadn't changed, other than there was a $5 fee for parking, which kept the crowd down, I suppose.  There was plenty of parking available and it wasn't near as crowded as I expected.  Worth the money.  We "camped" the group by some palm trees for shade for the boys, yet still close to the beach.  SHade can be a good thing for wee ones.
Of course, I have pics!  Kate took this of the beach daisy filled dune above the shore:
Annette & CJ:
The sisters, my beautiful daughters!:
Chris fished while we played, but hung out as well:
CJ and I played in the sand!  Poor boy was covered, but, hey, at 18 months, that's the fun of it.
Kate and CJ played in the water:
Mostly, Colton (aka CoCo, CoCo bean, Coco Nuts, etc...), slept. but I got some sweet time, too!
We took CoCo down to the water for a bit, I brought him back, laid him in the playpen to gather his clothes and a diaper, and voila!  Back to sleep again!  You know what they say... don't wake a sleeping baby, so I chose not too!
It was a perfect day...
Sunday was quiet.  Did chores and puttered, my favorite activity.  Peaceful, as I actually had a couple of hours by myself, another rare treat!  

Best thing?  It may be Monday and back to work, but I'm off again on Tuesday!  

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